Issue 8, 2013

Transition metal borylene complexes


Borylene ligands (:BR) are isolobal to CO and other iconic organometallic ligands. As such, borylene ligands enjoy some parallels to these ligands, but in many ways, their chemistry is distinct. This tutorial review gives an introduction to the synthesis, properties and reactivity of the major classes of transition metal borylene complexes, including terminal and bridging examples, pseudoborylenes, and metalloborylenes (borido complexes).

Graphical abstract: Transition metal borylene complexes

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
12 Dec 2012
First published
12 Feb 2013

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013,42, 3197-3208

Transition metal borylene complexes

H. Braunschweig, R. D. Dewhurst and V. H. Gessner, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 3197 DOI: 10.1039/C3CS35510A

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