Issue 11, 2013

Joyce and Ulysses: integrated and user-friendly tools for the parameterization of intramolecular force fields from quantum mechanical data


The JOYCE program is augmented with several new features, including the user friendly ULYSSES GUI, the possibility of complete excited state parameterization and a more flexible treatment of the force field electrostatic terms. A first validation is achieved by successfully comparing results obtained with JOYCE2.0 to literature ones, obtained for the same set of benchmark molecules. The parameterization protocol is also applied to two other larger molecules, namely nicotine and a coumarin based dye. In the former case, the parameterized force field is employed in molecular dynamics simulations of solvated nicotine, and the solute conformational distribution at room temperature is discussed. Force fields parameterized with JOYCE2.0, for both the dye's ground and first excited electronic states, are validated through the calculation of absorption and emission vertical energies with molecular mechanics optimized structures. Finally, the newly implemented procedure to handle polarizable force fields is discussed and applied to the pyrimidine molecule as a test case.

Graphical abstract: Joyce and Ulysses: integrated and user-friendly tools for the parameterization of intramolecular force fields from quantum mechanical data

Article information

Article type
22 Nov 2012
16 Jan 2013
First published
16 Jan 2013

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013,15, 3736-3751

JOYCE and ULYSSES: integrated and user-friendly tools for the parameterization of intramolecular force fields from quantum mechanical data

V. Barone, I. Cacelli, N. De Mitri, D. Licari, S. Monti and G. Prampolini, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 3736 DOI: 10.1039/C3CP44179B

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