Issue 43, 2013

Identifying H–N proximities in solid-state NMR using 14N overtone irradiation under fast MAS


Two NMR methods for the identification of 1H–14N proximities in solid powder samples are considered. Both approaches involve the irradiation of the 14N overtone transition (Δm = 2) and observation of 1H signals under fast MAS and at an intermediate magnetic field strength (11.7 T). First, the recently reported 1H–14NOT HMQC experiment is developed into a generally-applicable, broadband version using frequency-swept WURST pulses capable of exciting the full range of 14NOT signals. We demonstrate the validity of this approach on various samples, also showing that standard pulses can be used to selectively excite individual nitrogen sites and provide more accurate indirect 14NOT powder patterns from which 14N NMR parameters can be extracted if required. As a second approach, we present some preliminary results demonstrating the feasibility of 1H–14NOT overtone rotary recoupling (ORR) under fast MAS. Dephasing fractions of up to 0.3 have been obtained using a basic TRAPDOR-style pulse sequence, a simple approach that shows much potential for optimisation. WURST pulses are also shown to provide improvements in the recoupling bandwidth. Crucially, for both of these methods our experimental results and exact numerical simulations confirm that the +2ωr overtone sideband should be irradiated for optimal experimental efficiency.

Graphical abstract: Identifying H–N proximities in solid-state NMR using 14N overtone irradiation under fast MAS

Article information

Article type
31 May 2013
10 Jul 2013
First published
11 Jul 2013

CrystEngComm, 2013,15, 8657-8667

Identifying H–N proximities in solid-state NMR using 14N overtone irradiation under fast MAS

L. A. O'Dell, R. He and J. Pandohee, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 8657 DOI: 10.1039/C3CE40967H

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