Issue 14, 2013

One-pot synthesis and the electrochemical properties of nano-structured nickel selenide materials with hierarchical structure


A facile one-pot method was reported for the synthesis of a series of nickel selenide nanocrystalline grown in situ on nickel foam with a 3D framework via the use of mixed solution. Through adjustment of the composition of mixture solution, reaction temperature and reaction time, NiSe nano-dandelion arrays, Ni3Se2 with 3D pine branch-shape structure and nano-sized grass-like Ni0.95Se arrays were obtained. The process of the synthesis of nickel selenide nano-dandelion arrays has been proposed in this paper. This method provided a suitable nucleation and growth environment in a uniform and transparent solution reaction system. Moreover, the electrochemical properties of all the as-prepared nickel selenide have been studied. This study addresses a general technology to fabricate oriented nanostructured films of nickel-based chalcogenides on substrates and may give a way to construct nanostructures with different composition to optimize various properties.

Graphical abstract: One-pot synthesis and the electrochemical properties of nano-structured nickel selenide materials with hierarchical structure

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 Oct 2012
25 Jan 2013
First published
25 Jan 2013

CrystEngComm, 2013,15, 2624-2630

One-pot synthesis and the electrochemical properties of nano-structured nickel selenide materials with hierarchical structure

L. Mi, Q. Ding, H. Sun, W. Chen, Y. Zhang, C. Liu, H. Hou, Z. Zheng and C. Shen, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 2624 DOI: 10.1039/C3CE26754G

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