Issue 2, 2013

Understanding the role of nano-topography on the surface of a bone-implant


Bone-implant material development is proceeding at a high pace, and has shifted from straightforward biomaterial testing to more advanced cell-targeted approaches for surface modification and design. It has been long known that cells can recognize and respond to topographical features by changing their morphology and behavior. The progress in surface analytical devices, as well as in techniques for production of topographical features on the nanometer scale allow for the characterization of natural tissues and the reproduction of biomimetic nanofeatures in material surfaces. In this review some of the most common surface-characterization and surface-manufacturing techniques will be addressed and results from in vitro and in vivo studies will be presented. Knowledge on biomaterial nanotopography can be exploited for active stimulation and control of cellular behavior like attachment, migration, spreading, gene expression, proliferation, differentiation and secretion of matrix components.

Graphical abstract: Understanding the role of nano-topography on the surface of a bone-implant

Article information

Article type
Review Article
27 Apr 2012
02 Aug 2012
First published
26 Sep 2012

Biomater. Sci., 2013,1, 135-151

Understanding the role of nano-topography on the surface of a bone-implant

A. Klymov, L. Prodanov, E. Lamers, J. A. Jansen and X. F. Walboomers, Biomater. Sci., 2013, 1, 135 DOI: 10.1039/C2BM00032F

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