Issue 7, 2013

Acoustic nickel carbonyl assay – proof of principle


In the Mond process, impure nickel is converted to nickel carbonyl by exposure to carbon monoxide at about 70 °C which is, in turn, decomposed back to nickel at about 200 °C. The decomposition reaction can be made to happen on the surface of a sensor where the rate of nickel deposition is used to calculate the concentration of nickel carbonyl in the gas sample. A novel heated sensor based on an SC cut quartz thickness shear mode acoustic resonator operating at 18 MHz with one electrode acting as a thin film heating element has been demonstrated to be capable of quantitatively detecting nickel carbonyl at 6 parts per billion in a timely manner.

Graphical abstract: Acoustic nickel carbonyl assay – proof of principle

Article information

Article type
23 Oct 2012
08 Feb 2013
First published
11 Feb 2013

Anal. Methods, 2013,5, 1708-1714

Acoustic nickel carbonyl assay – proof of principle

G. Hayward and S. Baksa, Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 1708 DOI: 10.1039/C3AY26250B

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