Issue 3, 2013

Metal enhanced fluorescent biosensing assays for DNA through the coupling of silver nanoparticles


A novel biosensor array for DNA detection based on the coupling of silver nanoparticles is developed. Two kinds of DNA–silver nanoparticle conjugates were immobilized on the aldehyde modified slides. The fluorescence intensity of Cy3 within the proximity of the conjugates was enhanced due to the coupling of the silver nanoparticles based on hybridization of target DNA and the conjugates. The fluorescence intensity increases with the concentration of target DNA, and the enhancement factor is about 2.4 at the optimized conditions. The results gave a good linear correlation between DNA concentration and fluorescence intensity at DNA concentration range from 12.8 pM to 40 nM. The biosensors constructed on the slide as a microarray offer a unique approach for DNA detection with the advantages of high sensitivity and rapidity. The fluorescence enhancement was attributed to the coupling between the silver nanoparticles. This new strategy opens the possibility for the preparation of highly enhanced plasmonic substrate for DNA analysis.

Graphical abstract: Metal enhanced fluorescent biosensing assays for DNA through the coupling of silver nanoparticles

Article information

Article type
25 Sep 2012
21 Nov 2012
First published
21 Nov 2012

Anal. Methods, 2013,5, 629-635

Metal enhanced fluorescent biosensing assays for DNA through the coupling of silver nanoparticles

W. Qiang, H. Li and D. Xu, Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 629 DOI: 10.1039/C2AY26097B

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