Issue 6, 2013

Acoustofluidics 23: acoustic manipulation combined with other force fields


In this, the final paper of the Acoustofluidics series of tutorial articles, we discuss applications in which acoustic radiation forces are used in conjunction with competing or complementary force-fields. This may be in order to enable manipulation operations that would not be easily performed by either force-field alone, or may be used to effect separation based on the different physical principals underlying competing fields. Examples are given of a number of different applications in which acoustic forces are combined with gravitational fields, hydrodynamic forces, electric fields (including dielectrophoresis), magnetic forces and optical forces.

Graphical abstract: Acoustofluidics 23: acoustic manipulation combined with other force fields

Article information

Article type
13 Dec 2012
17 Jan 2013
First published
05 Feb 2013

Lab Chip, 2013,13, 1003-1010

Acoustofluidics 23: acoustic manipulation combined with other force fields

P. Glynne-Jones and M. Hill, Lab Chip, 2013, 13, 1003 DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41369A

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