Issue 4, 2013

Paper and toner three-dimensional fluidic devices: programming fluid flow to improve point-of-care diagnostics


We present a new method for fabricating three-dimensional paper-based fluidic devices that uses toner as a thermal adhesive to bond multiple layers of patterned paper together. The fabrication process is rapid, involves minimal equipment (a laser printer and a laminator) and produces complex channel networks with dimensions down to 1 mm. The devices can run multiple diagnostic assays on one or more samples simultaneously, can incorporate positive and negative controls and can be programmed to display the results of the assays in a variety of patterns. The patterns of the results can encode information, which could be used to identify counterfeit devices, identify samples, encrypt the results for patient privacy or monitor patient compliance.

Graphical abstract: Paper and toner three-dimensional fluidic devices: programming fluid flow to improve point-of-care diagnostics

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Article information

Article type
28 Aug 2012
10 Dec 2012
First published
02 Jan 2013

Lab Chip, 2013,13, 628-631

Paper and toner three-dimensional fluidic devices: programming fluid flow to improve point-of-care diagnostics

K. M. Schilling, D. Jauregui and A. W. Martinez, Lab Chip, 2013, 13, 628 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40984D

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