Issue 19, 2012

Free-floating hydrogel-based rafts supporting a microarray of functional entities at fluid interfaces


In the present paper, we report a method for fabricating a macroscopic, free-floating device that supports a microarray of molecular functional entities. Therefore, the fabrication process developed by us combines bottom-up and top-down microfabrication strategies for a spatially controllable integration of molecular entities into the macroscopic device. For application, the generated device is transferred to fluid interfaces. Through a combined experimental and theoretical study, we demonstrate that the microscopic cavities of the intrinsically hydrophilic comb-shaped mesh structure enable the flotation of the device at a water–air interface of a sessile droplet due to surface tension effects. The design of the functionalized and free-floating device affords a long-term stable approach with respect to a chemical patterning of this fluid interface without loss of the lateral arrangement of the functional entities over time.

Graphical abstract: Free-floating hydrogel-based rafts supporting a microarray of functional entities at fluid interfaces

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
30 Dec 2011
02 Mar 2012
First published
30 Mar 2012

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 5293-5300

Free-floating hydrogel-based rafts supporting a microarray of functional entities at fluid interfaces

R. Hensel and H. Braun, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 5293 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM07485K

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