Issue 28, 2012

Chiral quaternary phosphonium salts: a new class of organocatalysts


Phase-transfer catalysis has widely been used as a prime synthetic tool for both laboratory and industrial processes. During the last twenty years, asymmetric phase-transfer catalysis using chiral organocatalysts has attracted widespread interest. However, the scope of chiral phase-transfer catalysis has been limited mostly to the quaternary ammonium salts. As an emerging area, the recent developments in the application of quaternary phosphonium salts as chiral phase-transfer catalysts are discussed in this article.

Graphical abstract: Chiral quaternary phosphonium salts: a new class of organocatalysts

Article information

Article type
Emerging Area
30 Apr 2012
01 Jun 2012
First published
18 Jun 2012

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012,10, 5327-5331

Chiral quaternary phosphonium salts: a new class of organocatalysts

D. Enders and T. V. Nguyen, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 5327 DOI: 10.1039/C2OB25823D

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