Issue 16, 2012

The aza-Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction of electronically and sterically deactivated substrates


The aza-Morita–Baylis–Hillman (azaMBH) reaction has been studied for electronically and sterically deactivated Michael acceptors. It is found that electronically deactivated systems can be converted with electron-rich phosphanes and pyridines as catalysts equally well. For sterically deactivated systems clearly better catalytic turnover can be achieved with pyridine catalysts. This is in accordance with the calculated affinities of the catalysts towards different Michael-acceptors.

Graphical abstract: The aza-Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction of electronically and sterically deactivated substrates

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Article information

Article type
08 Dec 2011
13 Feb 2012
First published
15 Feb 2012

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012,10, 3210-3218

The aza-Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction of electronically and sterically deactivated substrates

C. Lindner, R. Tandon, Y. Liu, B. Maryasin and H. Zipse, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 3210 DOI: 10.1039/C2OB07058H

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