Issue 14, 2012

Silver-promoted Friedel–Crafts reaction: concise total synthesis of (−)-ardeemin, (−)-acetylardeemin and (−)-formylardeemin


Total syntheses of multidrug resistant inhibitors (−)-acetylardeemin 2a, (−)-ardeemin 2b, and (−)-formylardeemin 3 have been achieved within 10 steps starting from bromopyrroloinoline 13. The key step involves direct alkylation of 13 with prenyl tributylstannane 11 to yield 12via a silver-promoted asymmetric Friedel–Crafts reaction. Highly efficient installation of the isoprenyl group allowed excellent overall yield. Moreover, the substrate scope of the asymmetric Friedel–Crafts reaction of 13 was expanded to include a variety of arenes 14 to afford natural product-like library analogues 15.

Graphical abstract: Silver-promoted Friedel–Crafts reaction: concise total synthesis of (−)-ardeemin, (−)-acetylardeemin and (−)-formylardeemin

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Article information

Article type
03 Jan 2012
30 Jan 2012
First published
02 Mar 2012

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012,10, 2793-2797

Silver-promoted Friedel–Crafts reaction: concise total synthesis of (−)-ardeemin, (−)-acetylardeemin and (−)-formylardeemin

Y. Wang, C. Kong, Y. Du, H. Song, D. Zhang and Y. Qin, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 2793 DOI: 10.1039/C2OB00014H

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