Issue 15, 2012

Large-area nanogap plasmon resonator arrays for plasmonics applications


Large-area (∼8000 mm2) Au nanogap plasmon resonator array substrates manufactured using maskless laser interference lithography (LIL) with high uniformity are presented. The periodically spaced subwavelength nanogap arrays are formed between adjacent nanopyramid (NPy) structures with precisely defined pitch and high length density (∼1 km cm−2), and are ideally suited as scattering sites for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), as well as refractive index sensing. The two-dimensional grid arrangement of NPy structures renders the excitation of the plasmon resonators minimally dependent on the incident polarization. The SERS average enhancement factor (AEF) has been characterized using over 30 000 individual measurements of benzenethiol (BT) chemisorbed on the Au NPy surfaces. From the 1(a1), βCCC + νCS ring mode (1074 cm−1) of BT on surfaces with pitch λg = 200 nm, AEF = 0.8 × 106 and for surfaces with λg = 500 nm, AEF = 0.3 × 107 from over 99% of the imaged spots. Maximum AEFs > 108 have been measured in both cases.

Graphical abstract: Large-area nanogap plasmon resonator arrays for plasmonics applications

Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2012
21 May 2012
First published
23 May 2012

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 4712-4718

Large-area nanogap plasmon resonator arrays for plasmonics applications

M. Jin, H. van Wolferen, H. Wormeester, A. van den Berg and E. T. Carlen, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 4712 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR30576C

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