Issue 4, 2012

Boron oxynitride nanoclusters on tungsten trioxide as a metal-free cocatalyst for photocatalytic oxygen evolution from water splitting


Here we show that B2O3−xNx nanoclusters can be formed on the surface of WO3 particles by a combination of thermal oxidation of tungsten boride (WB) in air and the subsequent nitriding process in gaseous ammonia. The resultant nanoclusters are found to play an apparent role in improving the photocatalytic oxygen evolution of WO3 by promoting the surface separation of photoexcited charge-carriers.

Graphical abstract: Boron oxynitride nanoclusters on tungsten trioxide as a metal-free cocatalyst for photocatalytic oxygen evolution from water splitting

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Article information

Article type
24 Nov 2011
22 Dec 2011
First published
04 Jan 2012

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 1267-1270

Boron oxynitride nanoclusters on tungsten trioxide as a metal-free cocatalyst for photocatalytic oxygen evolution from water splitting

Y. P. Xie, G. Liu, G. Q. (. Lu and H. Cheng, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 1267 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR11846G

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