Issue 5, 2012

The interplay of structural and optical properties in individual ZnO nanostructures


Semiconductor nanostructures exhibit unique properties distinct from their bulk counterparts by virtue of nanoscale dimensions; in particular, exceptionally large surface area-to-volume ratios relative to that of the bulk produce variations in surface state populations that have numerous consequences on materials properties. Of the low-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures, nanowires offer a unique prospect in nanoscale optoelectronics due to their one-dimensional architecture. Already, many devices based upon individual nanowires have been demonstrated, but questions about how nano-size and structural variations affect the underlying materials properties still remain unanswered. Here, we focus on understanding the growth mechanism and kinetics of ZnO nanowires and related nanowalls, and their effects on nanoscale structural and optical properties.

Graphical abstract: The interplay of structural and optical properties in individual ZnO nanostructures

Article information

Article type
10 Nov 2011
05 Jan 2012
First published
08 Feb 2012

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 1455-1462

The interplay of structural and optical properties in individual ZnO nanostructures

M. M. Brewster, X. Zhou, M. Lu and S. Gradečak, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 1455 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR11706A

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