Issue 12, 2012

A matched molecular pair analysis of in vitro human microsomal metabolic stability measurements for methylene substitution or replacements – identification of those transforms more likely to have beneficial effects


A matched molecular pair analysis (MMPA) was used to study the classic medicinal chemistry transformations of a methylene (–CH2–) into metabolic blocking groups. 1826 matched pairs were identified for 24 transforms and in vitro human microsomal stability analysed. Of these, 4 transforms have shown significant beneficial increase in stability, suggesting these transforms as preferred changes during compound optimisation.

Graphical abstract: A matched molecular pair analysis of in vitro human microsomal metabolic stability measurements for methylene substitution or replacements – identification of those transforms more likely to have beneficial effects

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Concise Article
01 Aug 2012
19 Sep 2012
First published
24 Sep 2012

Med. Chem. Commun., 2012,3, 1518-1525

A matched molecular pair analysis of in vitro human microsomal metabolic stability measurements for methylene substitution or replacements – identification of those transforms more likely to have beneficial effects

A. G. Dossetter, Med. Chem. Commun., 2012, 3, 1518 DOI: 10.1039/C2MD20226C

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