Issue 23, 2012

Optical sensing system based on wireless paired emitter detector diode device and ionogels for lab-on-a-disc water quality analysis


This work describes the first use of a wireless paired emitter detector diode device (PEDD) as an optical sensor for water quality monitoring in a lab-on-a-disc device. The microfluidic platform, based on an ionogel sensing area combined with a low-cost optical sensor, is applied for quantitative pH and qualitative turbidity monitoring of water samples at point-of-need. The autonomous capabilities of the PEDD system, combined with the portability and wireless communication of the full device, provide the flexibility needed for on-site water testing. Water samples from local fresh and brackish sources were successfully analysed using the device, showing very good correlation with standard bench-top systems.

Graphical abstract: Optical sensing system based on wireless paired emitter detector diode device and ionogels for lab-on-a-disc water quality analysis

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Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2012
17 Sep 2012
First published
18 Sep 2012

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 5069-5078

Optical sensing system based on wireless paired emitter detector diode device and ionogels for lab-on-a-disc water quality analysis

M. Czugala, R. Gorkin III, T. Phelan, J. Gaughran, V. F. Curto, J. Ducrée, D. Diamond and F. Benito-Lopez, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 5069 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40781G

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