Issue 18, 2012

Configurable 3D-Printed millifluidic and microfluidic ‘lab on a chip’ reactionware devices


We utilise 3D design and 3D printing techniques to fabricate a number of miniaturised fluidic ‘reactionware’ devices for chemical syntheses in just a few hours, using inexpensive materials producing reliable and robust reactors. Both two and three inlet reactors could be assembled, as well as one-inlet devices with reactant ‘silos’ allowing the introduction of reactants during the fabrication process of the device. To demonstrate the utility and versatility of these devices organic (reductive amination and alkylation reactions), inorganic (large polyoxometalate synthesis) and materials (gold nanoparticle synthesis) processes were efficiently carried out in the printed devices.

Graphical abstract: Configurable 3D-Printed millifluidic and microfluidic ‘lab on a chip’ reactionware devices

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Article information

Article type
05 Jul 2012
23 Jul 2012
First published
09 Aug 2012

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 3267-3271

Configurable 3D-Printed millifluidic and microfluidic ‘lab on a chip’ reactionware devices

P. J. Kitson, M. H. Rosnes, V. Sans, V. Dragone and L. Cronin, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 3267 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40761B

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