Issue 19, 2012

Optofluidic detection for cellular phenotyping


Quantitative analysis of the output of processes and molecular interactions within a single cell is highly critical to the advancement of accurate disease screening and personalized medicine. Optical detection is one of the most broadly adapted measurement methods in biological and clinical assays and serves cellular phenotyping. Recently, microfluidics has obtained increasing attention due to several advantages, such as small sample and reagent volumes, very high throughput, and accurate flow control in the spatial and temporal domains. Optofluidics, which is the attempt to integrate optics with microfluidics, shows great promise to enable on-chip phenotypic measurements with high precision, sensitivity, specificity, and simplicity. This paper reviews the most recent developments of optofluidic technologies for cellular phenotyping optical detection.

Graphical abstract: Optofluidic detection for cellular phenotyping

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
04 May 2012
12 Jun 2012
First published
15 Jun 2012

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 3552-3565

Optofluidic detection for cellular phenotyping

Y. Tung, N. Huang, B. Oh, B. Patra, C. Pan, T. Qiu, P. K. Chu, W. Zhang and K. Kurabayashi, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 3552 DOI: 10.1039/C2LC40509A

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