Issue 41, 2012

Heterogeneous nucleation of protein crystals using nanoporous gold nucleants


We present a theory and experiments that help clarify the origin of the effectiveness of nanoporous substrates in the heterogeneous nucleation of protein crystals. The central idea tested here is that when a substrate (or “nucleant”) possesses pores of the order of the hydrodynamical radius of a protein, then the entropic penalty associated with nucleating a protein crystal on that surface may be alleviated. Model experiments using lysozyme and nanoporous gold (NPG) substrates suggest that there is indeed a reduction in the entropy associated with creating critical nuclei, but the magnitude of the reduction is small. Taken together with further examination of protein crystallization with NPG nucleants using four other proteins, our aggregate results suggest that surface chemistry and surface area effects play the dominant role in nucleation when using these nanoporous nucleants.

Graphical abstract: Heterogeneous nucleation of protein crystals using nanoporous gold nucleants

Article information

Article type
11 Jul 2012
31 Aug 2012
First published
31 Aug 2012

J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 21928-21934

Heterogeneous nucleation of protein crystals using nanoporous gold nucleants

F. Kertis, S. Khurshid, O. Okman, J. W. Kysar, L. Govada, N. Chayen and J. Erlebacher, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 21928 DOI: 10.1039/C2JM34527G

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