Issue 7, 2012

Superhydrophilic–superoleophobic coatings


A novel superhydrophilic and superoleophobic nanocomposite coating is fabricated by spray casting nanoparticlepolymer suspensions on various substrates. Water droplets can spread over the coating completely; meanwhile, oil droplets can roll off the coating at low tilt angles without any penetration. Besides overcoming oil-fouling problems for the hydrophilic coating, the superhydrophilic–superoleophobic coating applied to the stainless steel mesh can be used for the separation of oil and water.

Graphical abstract: Superhydrophilic–superoleophobic coatings

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Nov 2011
21 Dec 2011
First published
06 Jan 2012

J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 2834-2837

Superhydrophilic–superoleophobic coatings

J. Yang, Z. Zhang, X. Xu, X. Zhu, X. Men and X. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 2834 DOI: 10.1039/C2JM15987B

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