Issue 10, 2012

Recycling of allylic alkylation Pd catalysts containing phosphine-imidazolineligands in ionic liquids


An efficient catalytic system to perform allylic alkylation in ionic liquids based on a Pd/phosphine imidazoline system has been designed. This system affords very good results (ee's up to 95%) when used with the appropriate ionic liquid as well as under microwave conditions. Recycling experiments were conducted showing very promising results.

Graphical abstract: Recycling of allylic alkylation Pd catalysts containing phosphine-imidazoline ligands in ionic liquids

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 May 2012
15 Aug 2012
First published
16 Aug 2012

Green Chem., 2012,14, 2715-2718

Recycling of allylic alkylation Pd catalysts containing phosphine-imidazoline ligands in ionic liquids

V. de la Fuente, N. Fleury-Brégeot, S. Castillón and C. Claver, Green Chem., 2012, 14, 2715 DOI: 10.1039/C2GC35732A

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