Issue 32, 2012

A precursor route to single-crystalline WO3 nanoplates with an uneven surface and enhanced sensing properties


A W-containing inorganic–organic nanohybrid with a plate-like morphology has been successfully prepared through a nonaqueous synthetic route using WCl6 as the tungsten source and benzyl alcohol as the solvent. The as-prepared hybrid nanomaterial was used directly as an efficient precursor for the formation of WO3 nanoplates via a simple thermal treatment process. The as-obtained WO3 material maintains the plate-like morphology of the precursor and possesses a unique uneven surface structure. It is noted that the use of a inorganic–organic hybrid precursor is essential for the creation of an uneven surface on the WO3 nanoplates, which exhibit high sensitivity and selectivity for the detection of acetone vapour at a relatively low operating temperature (200 °C). The excellent sensing performance of the WO3 nanomaterial is attributed to its unique uneven surface structure besides the small particle size and ultrathin morphology.

Graphical abstract: A precursor route to single-crystalline WO3 nanoplates with an uneven surface and enhanced sensing properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 Apr 2012
06 Jun 2012
First published
06 Jun 2012

Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 9773-9780

A precursor route to single-crystalline WO3 nanoplates with an uneven surface and enhanced sensing properties

X. Zou, G. Li, P. Wang, J. Su, J. Zhao, L. Zhou, Y. Wang and J. Chen, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 9773 DOI: 10.1039/C2DT30748K

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