Issue 30, 2012

Formation of μ2-hydroxo-bonded (MgPc)2OH assemblies and (C60)2 dimers in ionic fullerene {(MgPc)2OH}2·(C60)2·(cation+)4 complexes


Ionic complexes containing μ2-hydroxo-bonded (MgPc)2OH phthalocyanine assemblies and C60 anions: {(MgPc)2OH}2·(C60)2·(PMDAE+)4·(C6H5CN)4 (1); {(MgPc)2OH}2·(C60)2·(TMP+)4·(C6H5CN)3·(C6H4Cl2)2.5 (2) (where PMDAE+ is the cation of N,N,N′,N′,N′-pentamethyldiaminoethane and TMP+ is the N,NN′-trimethylpiperazinium cation) have been obtained as single crystals. The ionic ground state of the complexes is justified by the EPR spectra and the spectra in the IR and NIR ranges. The C60˙ radical anions are dimerized both in 1 and 2 in the 240–220 K range. Dimerization is accompanied by the reversible transition of the complexes from paramagnetic to diamagnetic state. MgPc forms unusual (MgPc)2OH assemblies, in which the hydroxo-anion coordinates to two MgPc molecules by a μ2-fashion. The length of the Mg–O bonds is 1.936–1.955(2) Å, the Mg–O–Mg angle is 133.37–135.27(4)° and the displacement of the Mg atoms out of the mean 24-atom phthalocyanine plane is 0.77–0.86 Å. The packing of spherical fullerene and planar phthalocyanine molecules is attained in a crystal by the insertion of fullerenes between phenylene groups of phthalocyanines. It has been shown that metal phthalocyanines in ionic complexes with C60 form MIIPc·(L) assemblies, whereas metalloporphyrins form MIIporphyrin·(C+) assemblies.

Graphical abstract: Formation of μ2-hydroxo-bonded (MgPc)2OH− assemblies and (C60−)2 dimers in ionic fullerene {(MgPc)2OH−}2·(C60−)2·(cation+)4 complexes

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Article information

Article type
28 Mar 2012
17 May 2012
First published
17 May 2012

Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 9170-9175

Formation of μ2-hydroxo-bonded (MgPc)2OH assemblies and (C60)2 dimers in ionic fullerene {(MgPc)2OH}2·(C60)2·(cation+)4 complexes

D. V. Konarev, L. V. Zorina, S. S. Khasanov and R. N. Lyubovskaya, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 9170 DOI: 10.1039/C2DT30701D

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