Issue 28, 2012

Design and controlled emission properties of bioorganometallic compounds composed of uracils and organoplatinum(ii) moieties


The bioorganometallic platinum(II) compounds PtU6 and PtU5 were designed by the conjugation of the corresponding uracil derivative and the organoplatinum(II) compound [4-octyloxy-(C^N^N)PtCl]. The single crystal X-ray structure determination of PtU6 revealed the formation of the dimeric structure through intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the uracil moieties of two independent molecules, wherein each hydrogen-bonded dimer was connected through Pt(II)–Pt(II) and π–π interactions. The tuning of the emission properties of the organoplatinum(II) compounds was achieved by changing the direction of hydrogen bonding sites and the molecular scaffold having two 2,6-dihexamidopyridine moieties as a complementary hydrogen bonding site for the uracil moiety, which depends on the regulation of the aggregated structures, to induce the Pt(II)–Pt(II) and π–π interactions.

Graphical abstract: Design and controlled emission properties of bioorganometallic compounds composed of uracils and organoplatinum(ii) moieties

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Article information

Article type
06 Mar 2012
02 May 2012
First published
02 May 2012

Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 8524-8531

Design and controlled emission properties of bioorganometallic compounds composed of uracils and organoplatinum(II) moieties

T. Moriuchi, Y. Sakamoto, S. Noguchi, T. Fujiwara, S. Akine, T. Nabeshima and T. Hirao, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 8524 DOI: 10.1039/C2DT30533J

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