Antimonato polyoxovanadates with structure directing transition metal complexes: pseudopolymorphic {Ni(dien)2}3[V15Sb6O42(H2O)]·nH2O compounds and {Ni(dien)2}4[V16Sb4O42(H2O)]†
Three new poloxovanadates were synthesized under solvothermal conditions and were structurally characterized. The two compounds with composition {Ni(dien)2}3[V15Sb6O42(H2O)]·nH2O (n = 12 and 8; dien = , a = 46.9378(3), c = 16.51300(10) Å and V = 36380.7(4) Å3. 2 rhombohedral space groupR3c with a = 23.0517(4), c = 28.6216(5) Å and V = 13171.3(4) Å3. In 1 several unusual short inter-cluster Sb⋯O contacts lead to the formation of three different super-clusters with composition V60Sb24O168. The 12 unique {Ni(dien)2}2+ complexes adopt all three possible configurations. In 2 the special arrangement of the {Ni(dien)2}2+ complexes around the cluster anion prevents inter-cluster Sb⋯O contacts. The main structural motif of the third compound {Ni(dien)2}4[V16Sb4O42(H2O)] (3) is the [V16Sb4O42(H2O)]8−cluster anion consisting of two perpendicular eight-membered rings of VO5 pyramids. Two additional VO5 polyhedra are located on opposite sides.
, a = 13.5159(4), b = 14.2497(5), c = 14.9419(4) Å, α = 98.322(2), β = 114.080(2), γ = 110.130(2)° and V = 2326.35(12) Å3.