Issue 8, 2012

Nanostructured Titania: the current and future promise of Titania nanotubes


Titania nanotubes (TiNT) combine unique nanotubular morphology with the desirable electronic, optical, and chemical properties of nanostructured titania. This perspective provides an overview of the three major synthesis methods for TiNT and the corresponding physical and chemical characteristics of the material. Promising applications in photocatalysis are explored with special emphasis on recent insights in the photooxidative and photoreductive activity of TiNT materials. The major challenge for future work is to connect observed improvements in catalytic activity with an understanding of the fundamental processes in photocatalysis in order to tailor the structure of TiNT composites to targeted functions.

Graphical abstract: Nanostructured Titania: the current and future promise of Titania nanotubes

Article information

Article type
21 Dec 2011
17 Feb 2012
First published
08 Mar 2012

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012,2, 1617-1624

Nanostructured Titania: the current and future promise of Titania nanotubes

K. C. Schwartzenberg and K. A. Gray, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012, 2, 1617 DOI: 10.1039/C2CY00538G

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