Issue 17, 2012

Sr-fresnoite surface crystallisation in a 2SrO·TiO2·2.75 SiO2 glass studied by EBSD


A glass of the composition 2SrO·TiO2·2.75SiO2 was melted. Cooled samples were polished and thermally annealed at 970 °C for 10 min to 20 h to achieve surface crystallisation of Sr2TiSi2O8 fresnoite. At the surface, the crystals were immediately oriented with their crystallographic c-axes perpendicular to the surface. Crystal growth occurred in the form of similarly oriented structures. Very homogeneous structures were also observed but they fray into areas of higher orientation diversity at some distance from the surface. The crystallised areas were highly permeated by nanoscale inclusions of residual glass. Kinetic selection occurs and leads to a preferred orientation with the crystallographic c-axis tilted by about 43 ± 5° from the surface normal after about 300 μm. Crystal growth is not governed by the fastest growing crystallographic direction or the formation of a diffusion barrier, but rather by the ability to circumvent the residual glass.

Graphical abstract: Sr-fresnoite surface crystallisation in a 2SrO·TiO2·2.75 SiO2 glass studied by EBSD

Article information

Article type
25 Jan 2012
10 Apr 2012
First published
11 Apr 2012

CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 5425-5433

Sr-fresnoite surface crystallisation in a 2SrO·TiO2·2.75 SiO2 glass studied by EBSD

W. Wisniewski, M. Patschger and C. Rüssel, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 5425 DOI: 10.1039/C2CE25117E

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