The preparation and use of synthetic isotope mixtures for testing the accuracy of the PTIMS method for 10B/11B isotope ratio determination using boron mannitol complex and NaCl for the formation of Na2BO2+
The development of a method for determination of isotopic composition requires calibration of the method over a wide range of isotopic ratios. Further, validation of data obtained by the method requires isotopic reference materials spanning a wide range of ratios. In the present studies, gravimetric synthetic mixtures of boron with 10% 10B to 95% 10B were prepared by mixing solutions of enriched boron isotopes. The solutions of 10B and 11B enriched isotopes were calibrated using isotopic reference material NIST SRM-951 as a spike for isotope dilution. 10B/11B atom ratios in all the blends were determined by Positive Thermal Ionization