Issue 3, 2012

Development of a novel direct-infusion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry method for the analysis of heavy hydrocarbons in light shredder waste


A novel direct-infusion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry method to identify saturated straight-chain hydrocarbons in light shredder waste fraction has been developed. Ionization of alkanes under nitrogen gas source favored hydrogen abstraction producing mostly (M–H)+ ions, which strictly correspond to their respective series of n-alkanes between n-decane (C10) and n-tetra-contane (C40). The method is shown to produce intact gas phase ions of n-alkane in both reference and real life waste samples. APCI-MS2 fragmentation data assisted in the structural verification of the n-alkanes investigated in both standard and waste mixtures.

Graphical abstract: Development of a novel direct-infusion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry method for the analysis of heavy hydrocarbons in light shredder waste

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Article information

Article type
28 Apr 2011
04 Jan 2012
First published
20 Feb 2012

Anal. Methods, 2012,4, 730-735

Development of a novel direct-infusion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry method for the analysis of heavy hydrocarbons in light shredder waste

N. Hourani and N. Kuhnert, Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 730 DOI: 10.1039/C2AY05249K

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