Issue 9, 2012

Customised transition metal oxidenanoparticles for the controlled production of carbon nanostructures


Monodisperse magnetite (Fe3O4) and cobaltous oxide (CoO) nanoparticles were synthesised using a fast (up to 50 times quicker than previously reported) and facile one-pot, one-step reaction. The Fe3O4 nanoparticles had a constant size between 5 to 7 nm independent of the reagents used. Size controlled cube shaped CoO particles in the range of 10–20 nm were formed and it was possible to create voids in these particles in a controlled way. Carbon nanotubes were grown on these catalyst particles and their structures were compared. Structures of the nanotubes differed between straight, bamboo-like or partly coiled depending on the nanoparticle system used, suggesting the possibility of selection of these structures.

Graphical abstract: Customised transition metal oxide nanoparticles for the controlled production of carbon nanostructures

Article information

Article type
20 Dec 2011
30 Jan 2012
First published
07 Mar 2012

RSC Adv., 2012,2, 3748-3752

Customised transition metal oxide nanoparticles for the controlled production of carbon nanostructures

K. Mandel, F. Dillon, A. A. Koos, Z. Aslam, F. Cullen, H. Bishop, A. Crossley and N. Grobert, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 3748 DOI: 10.1039/C2RA01324J

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