Issue 1, 2012

Complete and partial oxidation of methane on ceria/platinum silicon carbide nanocomposites


We have studied the catalytic activity of CeO2/PtSiC composites in the total and partial oxidation as well as the dry reforming of methane. The composites were synthesized by an in situ functionalization strategy with variation in ceria and platinum contents and processing conditions. The impact of composition and pyrolysis temperature on the specific surface area and catalytic activity of the composite materials is studied. All catalysts have a high activity in the partial oxidation and dry reforming of methane close to the thermodynamic equilibrium composition. In the complete oxidation of methane, the T10% was lowered by 443 K compared to the non-catalyzed reaction.

Graphical abstract: Complete and partial oxidation of methane on ceria/platinum silicon carbide nanocomposites

Article information

Article type
09 Aug 2011
10 Sep 2011
First published
05 Oct 2011

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012,2, 139-146

Complete and partial oxidation of methane on ceria/platinum silicon carbide nanocomposites

R. Frind, L. Borchardt, E. Kockrick, L. Mammitzsch, U. Petasch, M. Herrmann and S. Kaskel, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012, 2, 139 DOI: 10.1039/C1CY00311A

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