Star and miktoarm star block (co)polymers viaself-assembly of ATRP generated polymer segments featuring Hamilton wedge and cyanuric acid binding motifs†
Hamilton wedge (HW) end-functionalized
* Corresponding authors
Preparative Macromolecular Chemistry, Institut für Technische Chemie und Polymerchemie, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Engesserstr. 18, Karlsruhe, Germany
b Department of Chemistry, Istanbul Technical University, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
Hamilton wedge (HW) end-functionalized
O. Altintas, U. Tunca and C. Barner-Kowollik, Polym. Chem., 2011, 2, 1146 DOI: 10.1039/C0PY00395F
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