Issue 5, 2011

New strategy to construct fused/bridged/spiro carbocyclic scaffolds based on the design of novel 6-C synthon precursor


In this article we report a new strategy to build fused/spiro/bridged carbocyclic systems with a novel 6-C synthon from readily available diallyl diacetates through the sequential Pd-catalyzed double allyl alkylation and Diels–Alder annulation. Further exploration on the application of this strategy can construct useful complex scaffolds.

Graphical abstract: New strategy to construct fused/bridged/spiro carbocyclic scaffolds based on the design of novel 6-C synthon precursor

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 Sep 2010
22 Nov 2010
First published
17 Jan 2011

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011,9, 1572-1577

New strategy to construct fused/bridged/spiro carbocyclic scaffolds based on the design of novel 6-C synthon precursor

J. Liu, X. Wang, C. Sun, B. Li, Z. shi and M. Wang, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 1572 DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00660B

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