Issue 16, 2011

Integrated immunoassay using tuneable surface acoustic waves and lensfree detection


The diagnosis of infectious diseases in the Developing World is technologically challenging requiring complex biological assays with a high analytical performance, at minimal cost. By using an opto-acoustic immunoassay technology, integrating components commonly used in mobile phone technologies, including surface acoustic wave (SAW) transducers to provide pressure driven flow and a CMOS camera to enable lensfree detection technique, we demonstrate the potential to produce such an assay. To achieve this, antibody functionalised microparticles were manipulated on a low-cost disposable cartridge using the surface acoustic waves and were then detected optically. Our results show that the biomarker, interferon-γ, used for the diagnosis of diseases such as latent tuberculosis, can be detected at pM concentrations, within a few minutes (giving high sensitivity at a minimal cost).

Graphical abstract: Integrated immunoassay using tuneable surface acoustic waves and lensfree detection

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Apr 2011
09 Jun 2011
First published
04 Jul 2011

Lab Chip, 2011,11, 2725-2730

Integrated immunoassay using tuneable surface acoustic waves and lensfree detection

Y. Bourquin, J. Reboud, R. Wilson, Y. Zhang and J. M. Cooper, Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2725 DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20320G

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