Issue 9, 2011

Controllable microfluidic production of multicomponent multiple emulsions


A hierarchical and scalable microfluidic device constructed from a combination of three building blocks enables highly controlled generation of multicomponent multiple emulsions. The number, ratio and size of droplets, each with distinct contents being independently co-encapsulated in the same level, can be precisely controlled. The building blocks are a drop maker, a connector and a liquid extractor; combinations of these enable the scale-up of the device to create higher-order multicomponent multiple emulsions with exceptionally diverse structures. These multicomponent multiple emulsions offer a versatile and promising platform for precise encapsulation of incompatible actives or chemicals, for synergistic delivery and biochemical and chemical reactions, and for engineering multicompartment materials with controlled internal phases.

Graphical abstract: Controllable microfluidic production of multicomponent multiple emulsions

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Article information

Article type
23 Jan 2011
09 Mar 2011
First published
01 Apr 2011

Lab Chip, 2011,11, 1587-1592

Controllable microfluidic production of multicomponent multiple emulsions

W. Wang, R. Xie, X. Ju, T. Luo, L. Liu, D. A. Weitz and L. Chu, Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 1587 DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20065H

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