Issue 8, 2011

A microfabricated electrical differential counter for the selective enumeration of CD4+ T lymphocytes


We have developed a microfabricated biochip that enumerates CD4+ T lymphocytes from leukocyte populations obtained from human blood samples using electrical impedance sensing and immunoaffinity chromatography. T cell counts are found by obtaining the difference between the number of leukocytes before and after depleting CD4+ T cells with immobilized antibodies in a capture chamber. This differential counting technique has been validated to analyze physiological concentrations of leukocytes with an accuracy of ∼9 cells per µL by passivating the capture chamber with bovine serum albumin. In addition, the counter provided T cell counts which correlated closely with an optical control (R2 = 0.997) for CD4 cell concentrations ranging from approximately 100 to 700 cells per µL. We believe that this approach can be a promising method for bringing quantitative HIV/AIDS diagnostics to resource-poor regions in the world.

Graphical abstract: A microfabricated electrical differential counter for the selective enumeration of CD4+ T lymphocytes

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Article information

Article type
02 Nov 2010
07 Jan 2011
First published
01 Feb 2011

Lab Chip, 2011,11, 1437-1447

A microfabricated electrical differential counter for the selective enumeration of CD4+ T lymphocytes

N. N. Watkins, S. Sridhar, X. Cheng, G. D. Chen, M. Toner, W. Rodriguez and R. Bashir, Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 1437 DOI: 10.1039/C0LC00556H

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