Issue 4, 2011

EIS microfluidic chips for flow immunoassay and ultrasensitive cholera toxin detection


A flow-injection impedimetric immunosensor for the sensitive, direct and label-free detection of cholera toxin is reported. A limit of detection smaller than 10 pM was achieved, a value thousands of times lower than the lethal dose. The developed chips fulfil the requirement of low cost and quick reply of the assay and are expected to enable field screening, prompt diagnosis and medical intervention without the need of specialized personnel and expensive equipment, a perspective of special relevance for use in developing countries. Since the chip layout includes two sensing areas each one with a 2 Ă— 2 sensor array, our biochips can allow statistical or (alternatively) multiplex analysis of biorecognition events between antibodies immobilized on each working electrode and different antigens flowing into the chamber.

Graphical abstract: EIS microfluidic chips for flow immunoassay and ultrasensitive cholera toxin detection

Article information

Article type
14 Sep 2010
29 Oct 2010
First published
03 Dec 2010

Lab Chip, 2011,11, 658-663

EIS microfluidic chips for flow immunoassay and ultrasensitive cholera toxin detection

M. S. Chiriacò, E. Primiceri, E. D'Amone, R. E. Ionescu, R. Rinaldi and G. Maruccio, Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 658 DOI: 10.1039/C0LC00409J

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