Issue 47, 2011

Thermal stability of platinum nanowires: a comparison study between single-crystalline and twinned structures


Platinum is the most active and one of most commonly used catalytic metals. In this article, atomistic simulations have been employed to systematically investigate the thermal stability of platinum nanowires with single-crystalline and fivefold twinned structures. It has been revealed that the single-crystalline nanowires possess better structural stabilities than the twinned ones. Furthermore, when subjected to continuous heating, the twinned nanowires exhibit an inhomogeneous melting, essentially different from what happens in the single-crystalline ones, and hence the lower melting point. By analyses of the microstructural evolution and dynamics behavior during the heating process, the structural transition of the nanowire is discussed and the inhomogeneity in the twinned nanowire is identified to originate from the dislocation-induced destruction of twin boundaries.

Graphical abstract: Thermal stability of platinum nanowires: a comparison study between single-crystalline and twinned structures

Article information

Article type
11 Jul 2011
19 Sep 2011
First published
31 Oct 2011

J. Mater. Chem., 2011,21, 18998-19004

Thermal stability of platinum nanowires: a comparison study between single-crystalline and twinned structures

R. Huang, Y. Wen, Z. Zhu and S. Sun, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 18998 DOI: 10.1039/C1JM13217B

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