Issue 20, 2011

Enhanced porosity in a new 3D Hofmann-like network exhibiting humidity sensitive cooperative spin transitions at room temperature


The porous coordination polymers (PCPs) of general formula {Fe(bpac)[M(CN)4]}·guest (M = Pt, Pd) exhibit larger channels than previously synthesised 3D-Hofmann-like PCP. The channels are partially occupied by uncoordinated guest bpac ligands and labile H2O molecules. These PCPs exhibit very scarce cooperative spin crossover behaviour around room temperature with a large hysteresis loop (up to 49 K) and also display sensitivity to humidity and guest molecules. The inclusion of bpac molecules in the 3D network can be avoided by adding competitive volatile molecules during the crystallization process, affording the guest-free material. The spin crossover behavior of different guest and guest-free materials is also presented.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced porosity in a new 3D Hofmann-like network exhibiting humidity sensitive cooperative spin transitions at room temperature

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Dec 2010
16 Mar 2011
First published
14 Apr 2011

J. Mater. Chem., 2011,21, 7217-7222

Enhanced porosity in a new 3D Hofmann-like network exhibiting humidity sensitive cooperative spin transitions at room temperature

C. Bartual-Murgui, N. A. Ortega-Villar, H. J. Shepherd, M. C. Muñoz, L. Salmon, G. Molnár, A. Bousseksou and J. A. Real, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 7217 DOI: 10.1039/C0JM04387G

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