Issue 9, 2011

Towards reforming technologies for production of hydrogen exclusively from renewable resources


Stern standards on the quality of hydrocarbon fuels, particularly on sulphur and aromatic content, is one of the major drivers of increasing hydrogen demand by petroleum refineries. The fuel standards are often predicated on reducing environmental pollution. However, most commercial hydrogen production processes are based on non-renewable resources which are associated with high carbon footprints. With increasing demand of hydrogen, the carbon footprint associated with hydrogen production will increase accordingly. Incentives for green hydrogen production technologies will be an impetus toward smooth succession of industrial processes from high to low carbon footprint. It will engender a shortened learning curve and facilitate entry of green reforming technologies into the hydrogen market. This review examines the potential of some emerging reforming technologies for hydrogen production from renewable resources.

Graphical abstract: Towards reforming technologies for production of hydrogen exclusively from renewable resources

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
16 Dec 2010
14 Jun 2011
First published
19 Jul 2011

Green Chem., 2011,13, 2272-2284

Towards reforming technologies for production of hydrogen exclusively from renewable resources

O. O. James, S. Maity, M. A. Mesubi, K. O. Ogunniran, T. O. Siyanbola, S. Sahu and R. Chaubey, Green Chem., 2011, 13, 2272 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00924E

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