Issue 28, 2011

Ru-TAP complexes with btz and pytz ligands: novel candidates as photooxidizing agents


Two ligands containing 1,2,3-triazole moieties 1 and 3 were easily prepared by a CuI-catalysed “click reaction” between commercially available (trimethylsilyl)alkynes and benzyl azide. These ligands were used in the synthesis of Ru(II) complexes with TAP ligands, i.e.[Ru(TAP)2btz]2+2 and [Ru(TAP)2pytz]2+4. The electrochemical and photophysical properties of these complexes were investigated. The data show that both complexes should behave as highly oxidizing agents under illumination. However, complex 4 displays more attractive photophysical properties than complex 2 and constitutes thus a Ru-TAP compound that can be easily derivatized for photodamaging biomolecules.

Graphical abstract: Ru-TAP complexes with btz and pytz ligands: novel candidates as photooxidizing agents

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Article information

Article type
11 Feb 2011
28 Apr 2011
First published
20 Jun 2011

Dalton Trans., 2011,40, 7395-7402

Ru-TAP complexes with btz and pytz ligands: novel candidates as photooxidizing agents

A. Mattiuzzi, I. Jabin, C. Moucheron and A. Kirsch-De Mesmaeker, Dalton Trans., 2011, 40, 7395 DOI: 10.1039/C1DT10235D

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