Issue 4, 2011

C–S cross-coupling of thiols with aryl iodides under ligand-free conditions using nano copper oxide as a recyclable catalyst in ionic liquid


A recyclable copper nanopowder catalyst in ionic liquid is effective for promotion of the cross-coupling reaction of various thiols with aryl iodides under ligand-free conditions. Compared to the usual organic solvents, [bmmim]BF4 exhibited higher performance with the advantage of being able to be reused for up to four successive runs.

Graphical abstract: C–S cross-coupling of thiols with aryl iodides under ligand-free conditions using nano copper oxide as a recyclable catalyst in ionic liquid

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Article information

Article type
15 Mar 2011
27 Apr 2011
First published
12 May 2011

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2011,1, 569-573

C–S cross-coupling of thiols with aryl iodides under ligand-free conditions using nano copper oxide as a recyclable catalyst in ionic liquid

R. S. Schwab, D. Singh, E. E. Alberto, P. Piquini, O. E. D. Rodrigues and A. L. Braga, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2011, 1, 569 DOI: 10.1039/C1CY00091H

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