Issue 22, 2011

Zinc(ii) coordination polymers, metallohexacycles and metallocapsules—do we understand self-assembly in metallosupramolecular chemistry: algorithms or serendipity?


Using a strategy of layering solvents and solutions of ligands and metal salts under ambient conditions, we observe the assembly of a discrete molecular metallohexacycle from ZnCl2 and 4′-(4-ethynylphenyl)-4,2′:6′,4′′-terpyridine, polycatenated, triply interlocked metallocapsules from ZnI2 and 4′-(4-pyridyl)-4,2′:6′,4′′-terpyridine, and 1-dimensional coordination polymers from either ZnCl2 or ZnI2 with 4′-{4-(3-chloropyridyl)}-4,2′:6′,4′′-terpyridine. On the basis of these studies and a comparison with related structures in the literature, we urge crystal engineers to be wary of drawing conclusions about self-assembly algorithms in solution using data from single crystal determinations.

Graphical abstract: Zinc(ii) coordination polymers, metallohexacycles and metallocapsules—do we understand self-assembly in metallosupramolecular chemistry: algorithms or serendipity?

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Article information

Article type
14 Jul 2011
25 Aug 2011
First published
22 Sep 2011

CrystEngComm, 2011,13, 6864-6870

Zinc(II) coordination polymers, metallohexacycles and metallocapsules—do we understand self-assembly in metallosupramolecular chemistry: algorithms or serendipity?

E. C. Constable, G. Zhang, C. E. Housecroft and J. A. Zampese, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 6864 DOI: 10.1039/C1CE05884C

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