Issue 14, 2010

Redox responsive molecular assemblies based on metallic coordination polymers


Redox responsive molecular self-assemblies are very important in a wide range of applications including bioengineering, nanotechnology, and medicine. We demonstrate here a redox responsive micellar system based on metal–ligand coordination and electrostatic interaction. The micelles are spontaneously formed in the mixed solutions of a block polyelectrolyte and an oppositely charged iron–bisligand coordination polyelectrolyte, where both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions are applicable. Switching between these two oxidation states does not trigger any decomposition of the micelles, but changes the charge composition and the magnetic properties of the system, which enables the uptake of extra, oppositely charged species into the micelles. Moreover, this process triggers spectral and morphological changes of the micelles. These results open a new vista for making redox responsive smart molecular assemblies.

Graphical abstract: Redox responsive molecular assemblies based on metallic coordination polymers

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Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2010
25 Mar 2010
First published
19 May 2010

Soft Matter, 2010,6, 3244-3248

Redox responsive molecular assemblies based on metallic coordination polymers

Y. Yan, Y. Lan, A. de Keizer, M. Drechsler, H. Van As, M. A. Cohen Stuart and N. A. M. Besseling, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 3244 DOI: 10.1039/B927331J

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