Issue 12, 2010

Modelling and confocal microscopy of biopolymer mixtures in confined geometries


The morphology of a phase separating and gelling biopolymer mixture (gelatin–maltodextrin) is strongly affected not only by thermodynamic conditions, but also by the presence of a restricted geometry. Phase separation within droplets is analysed using confocal laser scanning microscopy and image analysis by varying concentration (4% gelatin and 4%–7.3% maltodextrin), quench temperature (10 °C to 25 °C) and droplet diameters (10μm–120μm). The effects of confinement as well as quench temperature increase with increasing maltodextrin concentration in 120μm sized droplets. In small droplets below 20μm, the confinement and surface dominate the microstructure. The trends observed show good agreement with predictions of the elastic Lennard-Jones (ELJ) model, adapted to handle confinement, that is solved via conventional molecular dynamics. A one-dimensional spin-chain with variable bond length is furthermore introduced and shown to capture a number of qualitative behaviors. The findings reveal that the confined biopolymer mixture can be characterized by the very few parameters of the ELJ model, which incorporates the basic mechanism of short range attraction (collapse, crystallization) versus long range elastic repulsion (osmotic penalty). Accordingly, the study suggests that the model provides a handle towards the morphological design of binary polymer mixtures in microcapsules, droplets or other geometries of well defined size and shape.

Graphical abstract: Modelling and confocal microscopy of biopolymer mixtures in confined geometries

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Article information

Article type
16 Dec 2009
22 Mar 2010
First published
07 May 2010

Soft Matter, 2010,6, 2713-2722

Modelling and confocal microscopy of biopolymer mixtures in confined geometries

S. Fransson, O. Peleg, N. Lorén, A. Hermansson and M. Kröger, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 2713 DOI: 10.1039/B926562G

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