Issue 6, 2010

Assembly and disassembly of tubular spherulites


We report a higher-order assembly of lithocholic acid (LCA) into spherulites composed of a large number of well-defined tubules in aqueous solution at physiological pH of 7.5. Under a polarizing optical microscope, the tubular spherulites show a Maltese-cross extinction pattern. The disassembly of tubular spherulites by brief sonication leads to the formation of a large quantity of well-dispersed straight tubules with a crystalline wall and a narrow diameter distribution. We find that the tubules, which are organized in spherulites and dispersed in solution, show a pH-switchable shape transition.

Graphical abstract: Assembly and disassembly of tubular spherulites

Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2009
07 Dec 2009
First published
06 Jan 2010

Soft Matter, 2010,6, 1224-1228

Assembly and disassembly of tubular spherulites

K. Tamhane, X. Zhang, J. Zou and J. Fang, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 1224 DOI: 10.1039/B915183D

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