Issue 11, 2010

Hybrid integrated PDMS microfluidics with a silica capillary


To harness the properties of both PDMS and silica, we have demonstrated hybrid integrated PDMS microfluidic systems with fused silica capillaries. The hybrid integrated PDMS microfluidics and silica capillary (iPSC) modules exhibit a novel architecture and method for leakage free CE sample injection merely requiring a single high voltage source and one pair of electrodes. The use of the iPSC device is based on a modular approach which allows the capillary to be reused extensively whilst replacing the attached fluidic module for different experiments. Integrating fused silica capillaries with PDMS microfluidic modules allows the direct application of a wide variety of well established conventional CE protocols for separations of complex analytes. Furthermore it bears the potential for facile coupling to standard electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), letting users focus on the sample analysis rather than the development of new separation protocols. The fabrication of the iPSC module consists of a simple and quick three-step method that submerges a fused silica capillary in PDMS prepolymer. After cross linking the prepolymer and punching the inlets, the iPSC module layer can be mounted onto a microfluidic device for CE separation.

Graphical abstract: Hybrid integrated PDMS microfluidics with a silica capillary

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
30 Nov 2009
08 Feb 2010
First published
10 Mar 2010

Lab Chip, 2010,10, 1468-1471

Hybrid integrated PDMS microfluidics with a silica capillary

I. K. Dimov, A. Riaz, J. Ducrée and L. P. Lee, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 1468 DOI: 10.1039/B925132D

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