Issue 9, 2010

A simple method for fabricating multi-layer PDMS structures for 3D microfluidic chips


We report a simple methodology to fabricate PDMS multi-layer microfluidic chips. A PDMS slab was surface-treated by trichloro (1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl) silane, and acts as a reusable transferring layer. Uniformity of the thickness of the patterned PDMS layer and the well-alignment could be achieved due to the transparency and proper flexibility of this transferring layer. Surface treatment results are confirmed by XPS and contact angle testing, while bonding forces between different layers were measured for better understanding of the transferring process. We have also designed and fabricated a few simple types of 3D PDMS chip, especially one consisting of 6 thin layers (each with thickness of 50 μm), to demonstrate the potential utilization of this technique. 3D fluorescence images were taken by a confocal microscope to illustrate the spatial characters of essential parts. This fabrication method is confirmed to be fast, simple, repeatable, low cost and possible to be mechanized for mass production.

Graphical abstract: A simple method for fabricating multi-layer PDMS structures for 3D microfluidic chips

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
04 Nov 2009
13 Jan 2010
First published
09 Feb 2010

Lab Chip, 2010,10, 1199-1203

A simple method for fabricating multi-layer PDMS structures for 3D microfluidic chips

M. Zhang, J. Wu, L. Wang, K. Xiao and W. Wen, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 1199 DOI: 10.1039/B923101C

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